A garage in Hatherleigh has become the victim of vandalism for the first time in years.
Vandals smashed the window of the courtesy car belonging to Hatherleigh Motor Services on Bridge Street last night (Tuesday into Wednesday, August 13-14).
They also smashed a window and wrenched a door on the parts van belonging to a local resident.
The vehicles were both parked at nearby Island Park overnight.
Speaking after finding the damage, garage owner Chris Brown-Martin said: “it was very sad to come across this vandalism this morning. After running this garage for over 20 years we are lucky it is the first time we have had any damage to vehicles left off site by vandals.
“Our main concern was the broken glass due to the vehicle being parked in Island Park in Hatherleigh, so my team have been out there this morning sweeping the area to make sure it stays safe and nice for the families who use this great facility we have.”
Van owner Matt Kilsby of Napa Auto Parts in Launceston, helped Chris’s team sweep up the broken glass. The damage to both vehicles has been reported to the police. The crime reference number is 50240204918.
Chris added: “It was a bit gutting to go out there in the morning and find this. Matt was out there with my team this morning brushing all the glass away because the last thing we want is a kid hurting themselves.”
He said he had overall been ‘very lucky’ over the years not to suffer much vandalism, although years ago he had a car stolen from the forecourt of the garage itself.