Next week (December 5), Okehampton Town Council will discuss the possibility of installing a litter station in Simmons Park, following a suggestion by a resident.

An Okehampton resident has suggested that, with the help of the 2 Minute Foundation, a charity focused on environmental activism, the town council consider installing a litter station in the park in order to reduce the amount of litter in the area.

In a letter to the council, the resident in question wrote: ‘ I have, over the last couple of years, been building a relationship with the 2 Minute Foundation with a view to obtaining one of their litter-picking stations for Okehampton. An opportunity is likely to arise whereby they could ‘gift’ us a station to help manage litter in town and our name is on the list as possible ‘guardians’ of a litter station. They come with litter pickers and rubbish collection bags made from recycled tent material. Would the council like to have one of these in town?’

It has been proposed that members of the Plastic Free Okehampton community group oversee the litter station to ensure that it remains in working order while the council has already contacted its insurance company with regards to the suggestion.