A POLICE clampdown on careless driving has seen cars seized and motorists arrested across Devon and Cornwall in the past week - with two motorists stopped going at over 97mph.

In week one of Operation Vortex, throughout May, officers stopped 103 cars, seized ten cars and made ten arrests.

Motor Patrol Constable Richie Roome of the Alliance Roads Policing Team said the operation was targeting the ‘fatal five’: careless driving, drink and drug driving, failing to wear seatbelts, distracted driving (such as using a mobile phone or tablet at the wheel) and speeding.

“There have been a significant number of very serious collisions on Devon and Cornwall’s roads recently and, sadly, many of these have resulted in a tragic loss of life,’ he said. “Law-abiding road users have nothing to fear from this operation. Our sole focus is to deal with drivers who are putting other road users at risk and to deal with them appropriately.”