BIRDWATCHERS are being asked to help survey the effectiveness of introducing curlews onto Dartmoor.

The new project aims to increase the curlew breeding population which has declined by up to 65% in the past 50 years. The wetland bird is now listed as vulnerable to extinction in Europe.

As part of the efforts to save the species, the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT), the Duchy of Cornwall have released curlews onto Dartmoor. The WWT is asking for anyone interested in birds to monitor the success of the project and how well the bird is adapting to the habitat.

A WWT spokesman said: “If anyone has seen or heard a curlew in Dartmoor National Park they’re asked to support the Dartmoor Curlew Project monitor the last remaining curlew population on Dartmoor. With this information we hope to locate territories, breeding pairs and monitor breeding success.”

Curlew sightings can be reported to [email protected]