A home derby game between Okehampton Ladies 4ths and 3rds didn’t disappoint, writes 4th team captain Melanie Pike.

Both teams set off well, but the 4ths had the most ball possession initially.

Joey Drake, centre mid, ran like a gazelle, taking control of the ball and feeding it wide and up the pitch.

Great play from Laura Venton as she pushed the ball on up to forwards Izzy Horsley and Abi Drake; both players moving well.

Megan Tucker, forward, also showed determination and mobility.

Liv Shakeshaft (man of the match) covered the pitch, winning tackles and pushing forward.

A goal from the 3rds followed by an equaliser from the 4ths, a pass from Abi to Megan, who pushed it onto Liv in the D, where she hit the ball in the back of the net!.

Defence, Jennie Humphry, Na Oxborough, Katy Graves and Mel Pike showed their strength and experience, winning and keeping the ball out of the D as much as possible.

Some daring saves from Rachael Luxton, GK, saw the first half finish 1 - 2.

Abi Westlake, defence, stuck to her player like glue, never giving up, winning and clearing the ball many times. Jane Jones, covered CM, and played some fab supportive hockey.

Final score 1 - 3 (well played 3rds, Anne Camp was their man of the match).

Some great, progressive hockey from both teams.