Dartmoor National Park Authority has today reiterated its commitment to tackling climate change by endorsing the Devon Carbon Plan.

At its authority meeting, members unanimously endorsed the plan and agreed to review its own climate work to support delivery of the carbon plan.

In July 2019, the authority declared a climate and ecological emergency – the first National Park to do so – and later agreed an organisational Climate Action Plan which has already made great progress on its aims as the organisation works towards becoming carbon neutral by 2025.

At the same time the Authority committed to working with a range of organisations through the Devon Climate Emergency Response Group to co-ordinate a county-wide response.

After extensive evidence gathering and engagement the finalised Devon Carbon Plan was launched on September27 2022.

Dartmoor National Park Authority Chair Pamela Woods said: ‘As well as having incredible habitats and wildlife Dartmoor provides much of Devon’s drinking water and its peatlands, woodlands and soils lock in carbon from the atmosphere.

‘As a place Dartmoor has a huge role to play in contributing climate resilience and it follows that, as custodians of this wonderful landscape, Dartmoor National Park Authority has an important role to play too.

‘We are proud of what we have achieved as an organisation through our own Climate Action Plan and the nature enhancement work we continue to do with partners to ensure long-lasting climate resilience across the national park.

‘Collaboration and co-operation is vital in order to achieve the change needed so we are delighted to endorse the Devon Carbon Plan which includes these themes at its heart.’

Following today’s decision, work will progress on reviewing the authority’s Climate Action Plan against the aims and actions of the Devon Carbon Plan before a further update is brought back to members.