The AGM of Exbourne Local History Group took place in Exbourne Village Hall on Tuesday, March 21.   

Mike Luxton reported on another successful year with a membership of 36.  

He thanked the secretary, Rose Williams, for her hard work and the treasurer, Dave Weeks, (who is retiring as treasurer) for keeping the accounts up to date.   

He also thanked Sue Rose for all the research which she has carried out through the years and Margaret Weeks for publicity.  All the committee (except the treasurer) agreed to carry on.

After the business was dealt with, Sue Rose gave a very interesting talk on how she collects all the information for the research into buildings, land and people in the history of the village, searching  through endless archives, censuses, church records and visits to the Devon Archives to deal with very old manuscripts.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 18 in Exbourne Village Hall at 7.30pm.   

The speaker will be Simon Dell and the programme of events for the next year will be available. Non-members always welcome, £3 entry to include tea and biscuits.