The latest meeting was held in Exbourne village hall on Tuesday, October 10, when the president welcomed everyone and Jerusalem was sung.

The speaker was Nancy Passmore who did some splendid flower arrangements with the title ‘Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness’.  She was thanked by Cherry Chidwick and the arrangements were raffled off for the members.  

After tea the business was dealt with. Final arrangements were made for the Soup and Puds event on October 28. 

The next walk is to be in Winkleigh Woods on Friday, October 27. 

A team has been formed for the Federation Quiz Heats on January 27.  

A Coffee Morning has been arranged for April 13 2024 in Exbourne Village Hall. Flower of the Month ended up with five winners. They were Sally Kenealy, Gillian Townsend Green, Margaret Rook, Ethel Nancekivell and Vera Collings.

The winner of the competition, which was for an arrangement in a teacup using seed heads, was won by Sally Kenealy. 

The next meeting is in Exbourne Village Hall on Tuesday, November 14 at 2.30pm.