Okehampton’s Men in Sheds branch is now the proud owner of a wheelchair accessible minivan and box trailer which will enable the group to expand its community work, including outreach projects with other local charities, local organisations and schools.

The group has expressed its thanks to the Clothworker’s Foundation who financed the minibus, trailer and also the signwriting – with a much appreciated £25,000 grant, and has said that the grant together donations from the Okehampton Lions Club and Sticklepath Community Church will allow Men in Sheds to buy ‘extras’ such as insurance, fuel and keep the vehicle roadworthy.

The group added that the minivan will make “the world of difference to what we can do – and we will ensure that Okehampton community gets as much benefit as we will” .

Shedders are now planning a day out at the beach in the spring as one of the group’s wheelchair users has not been able to get to the beach for seven years.

“This will be a treat for us all,” added the Okehampton Shedders.

They need to continue to raise funds to keep the vehicle on the road so anyone wishing to support the group can do so by donating old furniture and wood or subscribing to the website to stay up to date with items for sale as well as any ongoing activities. The website can be found at www.okeshed.org.uk.

Businesses will also be able to get their logo sign written on the minivan and can do so by contacting Men in Sheds via website. Men in Sheds is a national initiative designed to allow men (often retired) a space to socialise.