Sampford Courtenay Parish Council has agreed to work alongside Okehampton Hamlets Parish Council to establish a speedwatch group following discussions in September and December last year.

The news comes as Hamlets councillors prepared to discuss an invitation from Okehampton Town Council to attend a presentation by West Devon Borough Council about the speedwatch scheme and a discussion on the possibility of parishes in Okehampton area working together in order to establish a more united front against speeders.

However, the Okehampton Hamlets Parish Council clerk has suggested that the council turn down the invitation as Hamlets councillors had already attended a similar presentation, though she added that the council should ask that it stay updated on the progress of the town council’s speedwatch operation until the Hamlets review the town council’s proposal again.

This follows on from an Okehampton Town Council meeting in November at which Okehampton Town Councillor Tony Leech suggested establishing a West Devon speedwatch group which would provide a more co-ordinated approach to tackling speeding problems in Okehampton and the surrounding parishes.