Central Devon MP Mel Stride has said he will consider how a permanent ban on disposable barbecues would affect Dartmoor after a disposable barbecue ban on moorland and beaches was proposed.

Following a bill proposed by North Devon MP Selaine Saxby which could see disposable barbecues banned permanently from beaches and moorland as they are particularly susceptible to wildfires in hot weather, Mr Stride has said he will look closely at the bill to see whether such a ban would be beneficial to Dartmoor and wildlife.

Mr Stride said: ‘A temporary ban on using disposable barbecues on Dartmoor was introduced this summer during the particularly dry weather. I backed this move and will be looking carefully at Selaine’s bill to see how it might further improve the protection of our national parks.’

Ms Saxby has proposed that disposable barbecues be permanently prohibited on open moorland, beaches, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and areas with designated environmental protection and that local authorities be given the ability to ban the sale of disposable barbecues in their area.

The suggested bill came as the impact of climate change continues to have an adverse effect on traditional British weather patterns and the country starts to experience hotter summers.

Disposable barbecues were banned temporarily on Dartmoor this summer to reduce the risk of wildfire outbreaks on the dry grassland as Britain experienced record-breaking temperatures and drought conditions.

The Met Office issued amber and red heat warnings across the UK in July and some areas of the country saw temperatures of up to 40 degrees celsius.

The second reading of the Disposable Barbecues Bill is set for January 20, 2023 but is unlikely to become law due to lack of parliamentary time.