THE Okehampton u3a’s next meeting is on Tuesday, January 16, when the group  will welcome Deb Fullbrook and Elmo representing “Hearing Dogs for Deaf People”. 

This is a UK charity which trains dogs to alert deaf people to a variety of sounds, as well as the practical support of alerting their deaf partner to life-saving sounds like the fire alarm or baby monitor.

Hearing dogs bring other more subtle but equally important benefits.  When out and about in uniform they highlight their partner’s invisible disability. 

This gives the deaf person more confidence and enables them to go out more thus freeing them from the social isolation deafness often brings. 

Deb is deaf and was partnered with hearing dog Elmo in 2015.  Deb will describe what Elmo does and how he helps her.  As a deaf person Deb will speak of the important role Elmo plays in her life and has done for the last eight years. 

Do come along as this promises to be a very interesting and insightful meeting about the work of this charity and how the dogs they train help save lives and allow deaf people to live fulfilling lives.

Admission is £1 for members and guests with tea/coffee and biscuits at the end of the meeting and a chance to find out a bit more about Okehampton u3a.

The meeting will be held in the Haytor Room at the Ockment Centre, Okehampton at 2.30pm. For further information contact Dee McVey on 01837 658590