Have you ever wondered where your water comes from and what processes it goes through before it pours out of the tap?  Well, part of the answer is that Okehampton’s water comes from Roadford, which is the largest reservoir in the South West.  When full Roadford reservoir holds 34,500 mega litres of water, that’s the equivalent of nearly 14,000 Olympic size swimming pools.  Sadly and worryingly it is nowhere near that full at the moment.  On 6th September  it was only 55% full.  With concerns over climate change and a growing population there is increasing pressure on the availability of water.  Apart from hosepipe bans to reduce our water consumption what else are South West Water doing to ensure that we will keep getting water pouring out of our taps? Well, to answer that and many other questions Charlotte Bacon, who is Community Engagement Officer for South West Water, is the speaker at our meeting on Tuesday 19th September starting at 2.30 pm in the Haytor Room, The Ockment Centre, Okehampton, EX20 1AR.  Charlotte  will give a presentation covering a range of topics including water treatment processes, drought and water resources and storm overflow plus the work South West Water do as a company, the challenges and opportunities they face and the projects they are delivering across the region.  There will be an opportunity to ask Charlotte questions at the end of the session. Admission  £1.00. Do come along to find out more. To book your place contact Dee McVey on 01837 658590.

On October 17th we will be hosting Ann Widdecombe at 2.30pm in the Charter Hall, Okehampton. Booking is essential so contact  Dee McVey on 01837 658590 if you want to attend.