Last year, Upcott Hill and Hatherleigh Road were resurfaced; a much needed job on a busy road out of Okehampton. Recently, two areas of the road were gritted followed by, a few days later, a second layer of gritting. I’ve lived in the area for nearly 20 years, and during that time those areas have never been gritted and, as far as I can make out, there have been no serious accidents on those particular stretches.

 Furthermore, the potentially most dangerous part of Upcott Hill (either side of the bridge) has not been treated. With so many roads in the area suffering with extremely deep and large potholes, causing damage to tyres, shock absorbers and the suspension of vehicles, is this really the best use that can be made of the roads budget?

One other point. Why, when potholes are repaired, is liquid tar not poured into the joint between the patch and existing road? The gap left in not doing so is not large, but nevertheless it is big enough for rainwater to lie, causing the patch to be removed when said water freezes.

Matthew Biddlecombe 

Sampford Courtenay