After their tough game against Tavistock last week, this week saw Okehampton Ladies fourth team at home to Ocean City, writes Julie Adams.

Okehampton took push back and dominated the game from the start pushing play into the oppositions half.

The midfield of Sophie Adams, Anne Camp, Eleanor Pearce and Sienna supported the forwards beautifully by taking play up the field and into the D.

Ocean City worked incredibly hard in defence to keep Okehampton from scoring.

The onslaught from Okehampton continued for much of the first half and finally paid off with forwards of Erin Godwin, Iris Leslie and Liv Walker working hard to pass the ball into the D and Eleanor Pearce slotting the ball home to give Okehampton the lead.

After a series of penalty corners Iris Leslie put the ball into the goal for the second time. Okehampton went in 2-0 up at half-time.

Play continued in the oppositions half again with Okehampton pushing well up the pitch.

The defenders of Mel Pike, Julie Adams, Rachel Adams, Katy Graves and Rhona MacGregor were not put under very much pressure and spent the majority of the game towards the half way line picking up the any loose balls and pushing play back up the pitch. Ocean City were unable to get into the Okehampton D at all through out the game meaning Goalkeeper Racheal Luxton had an incredibly quiet game and, in fact, did not touch the ball once. Despite immense pressure Ocean City managed to prevent Okehampton from adding to the score. Final score Okehampton 2, Ocean City 0.

Player of the match went to Iris Leslie. Next week Okehampton are away to Tavistock with a 10.30am pushback.