Citizens Advice has set up new walk-in sessions at the Ockment Centre in Okehampton for anyone in urgent need of help.

The new sessions will begin within a couple of weeks and will run from 10am-3pm on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with Wednesday’s sessions particularly focused on debt and money issues.

Any resident in the West Devon region will be able to ‘walk-in’ without an appointment during these hours in order to meet with an advisor if they are in need of help.

West Devon Borough Councillor and Okehampton Town Councillor Julie Yelland advised the town council earlier this week (January 16) that Citizens Advice is continuing to call out for more volunteers with the rate of recruitment having fallen recently.

Having worked for Citizens Advice herself, Cllr Yelland described the immense satisfaction she had received from her role and urged councillors to pass on the message to anyone who might wish to volunteer.

Nationally, Citizens Advice has over 18,000 volunteers and estimates that it helped nearly 2.5 million people in 2020-21.

For more information about volunteering visit