The Lib Dems are putting forward eight candidates in the West Devon Borough Council elections.
There be no election for Burrator Ward until a later date, due to the sad death of Green candidate Neil Jameson, who was standing in that ward.
Mary Tavy — Andrew Brown

Tavistock dentist Andrew Brown, well known for his commitment to environmental causes, particularly his efforts to expose sewage discharges in the region’s river network, is standing in Mary Tavy. Andrew is a passionate conservationist who cares deeply about preserving the natural beauty of Dartmoor, West Devon and the wider Tamar Valley. He is currently working on projects to protect the local population of dark honey bees and to revive the endangered Willow tit species in collaboration with the National Trust.
Okehampton North — Dr George Dexter

George has extensive experience in housing, education and the NHS. He served as a director of Devon's NHS trusts, which first build and then ran the community hospital in Okehampton. He also has long experience in education and helped to set up the Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust to which Okehampton College belongs. He was a district councillor before moving to Devon.
Exbourne — Christian Martin

Christian was previously a councillor in Bristol and is appalled by the recent developments at Okehampton College where he has a child attending. Christian agrees with many local people who feel they (and the country) are being taken for granted by the Conservatives. Outspoken, determined, vocal and energetic Christian will be a powerful advocate for the community.
Dartmoor — Holly Greenberry-Pullen

Holly lives in Princetown with her two children and has a long-standing track record helping children and women’s human rights and health care. She is recognised for her community work and for her equality and human rights work across the UK, and she also has an MSc in Environmental and Engineering Geology. With a background in healthcare, housing, and advocacy, Holly has been a school governor in both the Tavistock and Dartington areas. Holly has a long history of working in the housing sector and worked closely with community action groups and public service providers -— including engagements in Westminster on behalf of community groups.
Bere Ferrers — Graham Reed

Graham runs a local glassblowing company and has had a strong involvement in the local communities over the years, has been a local parish councillor, and currently a chair of Watersports Hub club site. As a director on 'BereGen', he has helped look after Bere Alston’s Parish Hall and support activities in the area. Across the Tamar Valley, he’s a director in the Tamar Energy Community, was an early backer and campaigner for the widespread use of renewable energy and a strong supporter of Tavistock’s 'Transition Town' group. Graham wants to campaign for more renewable energy to help tackle energy prices rises, to help ease the cost-of-living crisis.
Tavistock North — Pete Squire

Pete has been a Tavistock town councillor for four years and a recycling champion with the borough council. Born into a local farming family, Peter attended Tavistock College, where his children also went to school, and was chair of Tavistock College Governors in the early 2000s. Pete has spent over 30 years working in health and social care for Devon County Council and the NHS.
Buckland Monachorum — Ashley West
Aged 31, Ashley has lived in Yelverton since he was five years old and knows how difficult it is for young people to travel and seek local opportunities. His qualifications include a 2:1 degree in Economics from Plymouth University and he feels the area has been badly let down in terms of infrastructure and community support. He will fight for more connectivity and help for every generation. Ashley has been a parish councillor in Buckland Monachorum since 2019, sitting on both planning and finance committees. As a local campaigner, he has overseen the Briar Tor wildflower meadow, worked to get transport improvements to Plymouth and seeks to get the local planning office back from Totnes to Tavistock.