Last week Okehampton Town Council handed out seven awards to residents in recognition of their community work throughout the past year.

In the same ceremony in which the new town mayor was chosen, mayoral awards were presented to Costcutter, Greta Button, Jolanta Wilson and the Friends of Okehampton Polish Naval Camp, Linda Harper from the community garden, Geoff Penna, Simon Chudley from the London Inn and local historians Mike and Hilary Wreford.

Costcutter employees were presented the award ‘in recognition of the understanding and assistance given to a member of the community with Alzheimers and their family.’

Greta Button, who works at Okehampton Primary School, won an award ‘in recognition of your work and assistance provided to the Okehampton Ukrainian Support Group.’ 

Jolanta Wilson and the Friends of Okehampton Polish Naval Camp were recognised for ‘promoting Okehampton on a local, national and international level in a positive light through your work on our Okehampton and Polish heritage.’

The town council offered Linda Harper the award ‘in recognition of your work in the community, particularly with the Okehampton Community Garden.’

Geoff Penna, well-known for his work in the community,  was offered an award ‘in recognition of your continued fundraising for the Alzheimers Society. 

He said: ‘I got an award for my work supporting the Alzheimers’ Society. I was honoured but humbled because I don’t do it for the awards or to go to Buckingham Palace.

‘I do it for two reasons: I enjoy walking in nature and it’s very close to me. I work for Lloyds Pharmacy and I see so much of it. It upsets me so I try to help.’ 

Simon Chudley received the mayoral award ‘for opening up The London Inn as a warm space with free tea and coffee throughout the day.’

Mike and Hilary Wreford were presented the award ‘in recognition of your many years of work in the community collating, compiling and writing of Okehampton local history books.’

Mr Wreford said: ‘Hilary and I have been involved in numerous West Country books. We’ve done five books on Okehampton and lauched West Devon History Tales at Christmas. We’re very pleased.’

Earlier this month, Mr Penna and his wife were also invited to one of the King’s Coronation garden parties in recognition of their good work in the Okehampton community.

Mr Chudley has supported other community ventures and is currently raising money to help build a play area at St James Primary School.