This week’s quick and affordable family meal is the ever-popular vegetable curry, which is also vegan.

This is a great recipe for using up off-cuts of vegetables from your fridge. You can add any vegetables you like; chances are if they’re in your fridge you already like them.

Simply chop up some vegetables, not too small. If they’re root vegetables, you’re better off boiling them for a bit before you start. Everything else can be added as you make the curry.

Heat a little oil in a wok or sauté pan and gently fry some sliced onions, red or white it doesn’t matter. Then add the other vegetables and allow them to colour slightly. Turn the heat down and add a big dollop of your chosen curry paste, I favour a Knorr balti paste. Stir in and then add a little boiling water. With the heat still low, allow the vegetables to simmer gently as the sauce thickens. Add more water if it gets too thick. Add more paste if you want it to taste stronger, hotter, more intense. Taste as you go. You decide the end result. Simple

Serve with rice. I then top the dish with loads of chopped & roasted nuts, coriander, and spring onions to add some extra textures and flavours. Enjoy