CHILDREN from Spreyton Primary School have been doing their bit for their village, helping out as volunteers in their community shop.

Year 6 students have been taking on the busy Thursday morning slot in the shop run by volunteers and tackling all the tasks involved with great enthusiasm, including serving the customers, accepting deliveries and managing the stock.

Shop manager Bella Snook is delighted with their efforts. She said: “We have had a number of older children working with us recently, quite often associated with the volunteering and community side of their Duke of Edinburgh award.

“But it’s lovely to see the younger children getting involved too and helping out within their community.”

Emma Donne, head of school at Spreyton, explained: “It’s such a good experience for our Year 6 children. So many life skills practised and great to be out and about in our community.

“This is a good example of how we strive to enhance our children’s time here at Spreyton, giving them chances to explore beyond our normal academic curriculum.“