Pupils from North Tawton, Bridestowe and Lydford primary schools visited Castle Drogo recently to perform as a choir on the castle grounds to the delight of all.

Teachers described the children ‘beaming with joy’ as they performed Christmas songs together for visitors in the castle’s drawing room, one of the first rooms visitors enter on a tour of the estate.

Castle staff also gave the children a special tour of the National Trust property and allowed one parent per child to join the tour for free.

The schools’ staff said: ‘Volunteer Mr Simon Arnold, had been practising with the children in recent weeks and did an amazing job. We express our greatest thanks to Mr Arnold and from everyone from Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust. Well done to all!’

Castle Drogo is a National Trust property which was designed and built by the 20th century architect Sir Edwin Lutyens. It is situated in the woodlands of the Teign Gorge.