My partner works at a Dartmoor MAT-run school and comes home each evening feeling demoralised, worried, angry and recounting shocking instances in which staff are ignored or treated poorly by school leaders.

Listening to my partner’s stories, I find myself saddened and disgusted that the concerns staff have raised with leaders over safeguarding, lack of communication between the Trust and staff, and difficulties with providing important support for SEND children due to the reduction in resources and teaching assistants are all falling on deaf ears.

My partner now dreads going to work every morning, worrying about who will complain about what that day. 

All staff are trying their hardest to provide the best possible support and education for the children in their care but can only do so much when they are unsupported by teaching assistants and there are multiple children with multiple needs in a class. 

Due to DMAT’s decision to cut the teaching assistants they employ, it is unacceptable for leaders to rebuke their staff for being unable to meet every child’s needs when they do not have the resources available to do so.

As soon as it was revealed that DMAT were cutting staff, such a problem has been inevitable, but instead of finding ways to support their teachers and remaining staff, leaders are leaving their staff in the lurch. 

The trust must now act to improve staff morale otherwise experienced and competent teachers and staff will start looking elsewhere.

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