A SERIOUS road accident has occurred on the A377 between Dewsmoor, Crediton and Barnstaple Cross, completely blocking the road.
Multiple emergency services including three or more fire engines, ambulances, paramedics, police cars, a police motorbike and a Devon Air Ambulance are in attendance.

The incident is believed to have occurred on the straight stretch of road a few hundred yards from Barnstaple Cross at about 12.45pm.
It is unsure how many vehicles are involved.
The Devon Air Ambulance landed in a field close to the incident.
Paramedics were still involved with firefighters and ambulance crews at the scene at 1.30pm.
More emergency service vehicles are still arriving at the scene at 1.35pm.
The road is expected to be blocked at the scene for many hours.
Traffic is being turned around in a lay-by just past Queen Elizabeth Drive and diverted at Barnstaple Cross.
It is not known if anyone has sustained any serious injuries.
Further details as we have them.