Get Changed Theatre performers received a surprise visit from representatives of the Arts Society, Dartmoor last Wednesday (September 27) who presented them with a £500 cheque.

Canon Tim Newcombe, chairman of the Arts Society branch arrived with fellow member Jan Goffey to present the cheque to the delight of performers, who have decided to spend the money on costumes for their upcoming show.

Dartmoor Arts Society and London Arts Society pooled together some of their resources to provide Get Changed Theatre with the donation to help keep the local charity going.

Get Changed Theatre’s next performance is the Halloween special – Death Trap and the Stitch Up Crew – which will run of October 27.

Earlier this year, Get Changed Theatre also received a donation from PlymLUG (Plymouth Lego User Group) which hosted a Lego show at the Charter Hall in July.

PlymLUG raised £531.66 for the arts group from the show, which was the first show in West Devon.

The drama group , which was set up for adults with learning disabilities, was established in 1995 with the aim of building confidence, improving self-esteem and developing life skills.

Starting off with only seven members, the charity has continued to grow and now includes 21 performers, two arts practioners who run weekly workshops, 17 supporting arts practioners, five support workers, one workshop volunteer, six voluntary management team members and one project coordinator.

Since its establishment it has been a massive success and well-loved by members.