TWENTY-four-year-old folk musician Oliver Wheeldon from Buckland Monachorum has released a new song entitled Devonshire’s Heart.

Oliver plays the fiddle, guitar, bazouki and a smattering of other instruments.

When he started out playing music he was heavily influenced by folk musicians — the Lakemans (Geoff, Seth and co), Steve Knightley (Show of Hands) and Nic Jones.

‘Both Nic Jones and Geoff Lakeman still live in Buckland and Geoff has really been somewhat of a guide for me helping me out with how I can improve as a musician,’ said Oliver.

‘I really learnt to play music by playing regularly in my local, The Drake Manor pub, and various other pubs around West Dartmoor and I’ve been lucky enough to play with some world class musicians which has really helped me develop as a musician.

‘I’ve been writing a lot of new material, including Devonshire’s Heart. The vast majority of the music I write is focused around topics associated with the rural life of those living on Dartmoor and the maritime heritage of Plymouth.

‘We’re so blessed in this part of the country to still have a lot of our traditional English culture thriving and these are the things I really enjoy writing about. Gigs for the year are still being booked but I hope to have a diary of dates soon.’ 

Listen to Oliver’s new song at