Okehampton Town Council’s clerk has released a survey asking about the feasibility of setting up a young persons council in the town.

The survey, which will be open until August 13, is part of an investigation into whether the creation of a council for children and young people would help contribute to the future sustainability of the town.

Emma James, the clerk, said: “It’s something I’ve been thinking about for years - something that would help younger people develop their interest in the future and sustain their interest in their community.”

The survey will provide research into the potential set up of the new council, such as the age range of the young ‘councillors’ and how frequently the council will meet.

Under the current plan, the council would be made up of a group of chosen (or elected) young people who would represent their peers and provide them with the opportunity to pass on their opinions and ideas to Okehampton Town Council.

Any member of the Okehampton community, including the children themselves, can complete the survey which can be found by visiting the town council’s website (www.okehampton.gov.uk) and clicking on the link to the latest newsletter.

The survey can also be completed on behalf of a group or class by a teacher or group leader.

Further information about the proposed young persons council can also be found on the website. Paper copies are available for collection from the Town Hall and should be returned to that location once completed.