An under-strength and under-par Okehampton were pipped 29-28 by local rivals Crediton in a scrappy but entertaining encounter, writes Adam Holliday.

Okes plundered first half scores through a Tom Mcgrattan pushover and a sniping individual effort from Dan Fogerty before they both departed. Kieran Lee was on kicking duties this week and he potted both conversions. Crediton replied with a catch and drive try from a lineout after Okey compounded errors in their own twenty two. 

Starting the second half 14-5 ahead Okes replicated last week’s poor start to the second half and a dropped ball allowed the visitors to reduce the arrears, 14-12 with 30 minutes remaining. Okes responded when re-entering opposition territory, a neat short pass saw Kieran Lee raced through a midfield gap untouched for a score he also converted to make it 21-12. Okes made more changes and with Brad Curtis now in the bin, the Okes conceded two quick tries to trail 24-21 entering the last quarter. It got worse and more lax defence out wide allowed another try which extended the gap to eight points.

Leon Horn, having a fine match in a variety of positions then produced a lovely individual effort to put the hosts back in contention once Lee had converted. Now a one point game the Okes came again and were rewarded with a penalty and a Crediton yellow. Unfortunately the penalty kick struck an upright and Okes failed to make the most of the man advantage despite pressing the visitors try line. One last effort saw the Okes cross, only to be held up over the line. Backcloth then allowed the visitors to see out the match and take their first win in this year’s Devon cup and the Frank Webb cup to boot.

Okes are due to face Brixham way next Saturday, again in the cup. KO 2.30 PM.