Okehampton residents will soon have the chance to become an extra on a film which will be shot in the town.

Film producers are hoping to work alongside the community by offering them the chance to get involved in some scenes where extras are needed and are planning on getting Okehampton College students involved in the filmmaking process.

The sci-fi film, entitled Sublime, will explore the consequences of consuming unnatural food and drink products and will star Okehampton-based actor Aaron Deakins, whose interest in MMA training and healthy living sparked the idea for the film.

Guy Mayfield, film producer and director, said: ‘Aaron does a lot of personal training for MMA fighters and a part of that world is ensuring that not only do you physically take care of your body in terms of working out but you have to give it the right nutrition.

‘Especially in the States, society is fighting against big food conglomerates to stop GMO products, to stop the purposeful conditioning of food and water with chemicals and treatments which they don’t need.

‘They can have very, very terrible side effects not just for your mind and body but just for your own sense of peace.

‘We’re looking to poke the bear a little bit and for those who still aren’t consciously aware raise that awareness but at the same time giving them a fun, action-packed movie that’s just gonna blow your socks off.

‘It’s a little bit of drama, a little bit of science fiction, peppered with little bits of horror surrealism, but whilst addressing you know, big social concerns.’

Aaron will star alongside Anisah Boubaker, who is making her first film debut, Lamin Tamba, who already has several films under his belt, and Hollyoaks star, Alfie Brown-Sykes.

The film will be shot in Okehampton and producers hope that residents will enjoy the thought of getting involved in the film.

Guy added: ‘Aaron was very keen to utilise his local community but also kind of sort of put a pin in the map for the rest of the world to see where Okehampton is and I do remember fondly as a child growing up that Devon is a very, very beautiful place to be. And I think it would really help sort of give a full visual image to global audiences as to how wonderful the landscapes in Devon really are.

‘There are many scenes where we just need many natural extras. Why not just reach out to the general community as they go about their daily business.It’s very natural for them to just be out and about and just to have that natural form flowing in the background.

‘It just adds a slightly sort of richer thread to the story, but also actively helps the community to be involved.’