The Planning Inspectorate has upheld an appeal application for a planning request (0723/21/FUL) to build 44 new houses in Tavistock.

The appeal follows West Devon Borough Council’s refusal to grant full planning permission to build 44 residential properties with access points, open spaces, landscaping and infrastructure along with outline planning permission for 0.76 ha of commercial land along Plymouth Rd in Tavistock.

Planning was refused on the grounds that the new development offers no provision for affordable homes and ‘would not meet the social objectives of the development plan nor create a vibrant rural community so that some relaxation of the obligation to provide affordable housing is justified.’

However, the Planning Inspectorate, which deals with planning appeals, has upheld the appeal and granted planning permission for both the new homes and outline planning permission for the commercial site.

In a report, the planning inspector has argued that there is enough evidence to relax the obligation to provide affordable housing.

The report states: ‘The development would provide new homes, helping to both meet the broader need to significantly boost the supply of housing, and catering for a range of household sizes. It would also provide commercial floorspace, and a source of future employment, providing long-term economic benefits in addition to the short term benefits associated with the construction phase of the development. In this regard, the role that the development would play in helping the council to fulfil its objectives for planned growth attract significant weight.

‘Delivery of the allocation would furthermore help to enhance the vibrancy and sustainability of Tavistock.’

In other planning news, an application (1642/23/FUL) to convert a former Okehampton bakery on East Street into four residential two-bedroom units has been resubmitted which, if successful, the designers said would provide much needed accommodation near the centre of town and ‘provide a positive contribution to the area’. Planning permission (1116/23/VAR) is also being sought for a modification to a battery-based electrical storage scheme in North Tawton. The construction was previously granted planning permission but designers are seeking permission for changes following a suggestion for an improved battery storage system. Conditional approval has also been granted to a householder in Broadwoodkelly for the erection of 8 x 14ft greenhouse (1065/23/HHO). Visit to comment on applications.