What’s On
Send your story
Scouts meet rescue team
Scouts hold St George’s Day parade
Hatherleigh pupils get a tour of a police van
Lifton Scouts start Squirrels for young ones
Four hundred attend St George’s Day parade in Okehampton
New scouts group to open
Help needed to get youth club back for Lifton
Bere Alston Station's old signal box is restored to its former glory and a new home for the Scouts
Hive of activity at Bere Alston Station
Okehampton business swaps laptops for paintbrushes to help town scouts
Okehampton and mid Devon scouts gather for Okehampton's St George's Day Parade
Okehampton pays its respects in remembrance parade
North Tawton cub James Matthews completes 100 challenges
£250 from Okehampton Rotary for Okehampton Scout Group
Scouts are flying high
Great weekend at camp!